Hello! I took a quick look at the wiki page for the game, specifically the one where cheat codes and secrets were listed, and noticed a glitches tab! Conveniently I've been making a powerpoint featuring all of my glitch findings on Complete Edition, and most glitches are also confirmed to work on OG as well. I figured someone might enjoy this info, so I'm sharing it here!
Glitch Powerpoint: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1E1dsGplzkX9Wjwop81DLixCgtFgmq-fUbbrR3nGPvMs/edit?usp=sharing
Scott Pilgrim vs The World: Complete Edition GlitchesGoogle Docs
If you want to know why I've collected all this, I am a speedrunner of Complete Edition. Current WR holder for all 7 characters in boss rush, as well as Any% NG+ No Out-Of-Bounds (In category extensions). If speedrunning any of that sounds interesting to you, I've made tutorials (In the Guides section of the game's speedrun.com page)! Feel free to send me a message over discord as well.
My Speedrun.com page: Runs - OuijaSpider - speedrun.com
Scott Pilgrim Complete Edition page: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game - Complete Edition - speedrun.com