Scott Pilgrim Wiki
Scott Pilgrim Wiki

"You Punched The Highlights Out Of Her Hair" is a phrase and running gag which is used in the Scott Pilgrim franchise. The phrase is commonly associated with Knives Chau who is punched by Lynette Guycott, Todd Ingram and Even Older Scott Pilgrim respectively in each adaption and is said by Young Neil.


Volume 3[]

The phrase is first heard in Volume 3 when Knives Chau shouts to Envy Adams about "kissing the lips" that kissed her. In response, Envy looks over to Lynette Guycott and nods. In response, Lynette punches Knives and the highlights out of her hair.

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World[]

In Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, similar to the graphic novel, Knives shouts to Envy proclaiming that she "kissed the lips" that kissed her. Although this time, Envy nods to Todd Ingram who punches Knives with the highlights being punched out of her hair.

Young Neil assists Knives in getting up and shouts at Todd, "YOU punched the highlights out of her HAIR!?"

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off[]

The phrase isn't said but is referenced to in "The World Vs Scott Pilgrim", the final episode of Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, when during the Battle at the Dream Desert, Knives is punched by Even Older Scott Pilgrim and her highlights.
