Scott Pilgrim Wiki
Scott Pilgrim Wiki

The Baldwin Steps are a public outdoor staircase located in Toronto, Canada dating from the 19th century. The Steps, which are constructed of stone and concrete, transcend a steep escarpment marking an ancient shoreline. They are located near Casa Loma.


The steps first appear in Volume 2 when Lucas Lee is tricked by Scott Pilgrim to perform stunts which ultimately lead to him being defeated. In Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Scott and Ramona walk on the steps before Scott faces off against Lucas.

The Baldwin Steps briefly appear in Scott Pilgrim Takes Off in the episode "2 Scott 2 Pilgrim" when Future Scott Pilgrim shows his younger self a slideshow about what happened during the fight against the Evil Exes, and shows Lucas skateboarding to his defeat against Scott, as shown in Volume 2.

