Scott Pilgrim Wiki
Scott Pilgrim Wiki
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The Dream Desert is a location featured in the Scott Pilgrim franchise. In the series, it appears as a common manifestation of Scott Pilgrim's Mind Subspace.


Scott Pilgrim graphic novels[]

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Scott sees Ramona for the first time in the Dream Desert.

Scott sees Ramona skating (an impossibility on sand) toward him while saying, "Alone. So Alone..." Ramona tells him he is having an idiotic dream, to which he replies, "Does that mean we can make out?" Ramona was most likely using Scott's mind to deliver packages to people around Toronto, his brain having a Subspace Highway.


Scott having a nightmare in the Dream Desert.

Scott also dreams about this desert when Ramona has left him, and he says that he is alone, but the cactus next to him says "You're not alone".

Shortly thereafter, Scott wakes up to find Stephen Stills next to whom he had been sleeping. After Scott dies, he is alone in the Dream Desert until Ramona comes up behind him and tells him the history of how she and Gideon got together.

After receiving an extra life following his fight with Todd Ingram, he leaves the Dream Desert and finishes his battle with Gideon in the Chaos Theatre.

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World[]

Extralife movie

Scott in the Dream Desert after receiving an Extra Life.

In Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, the Dream Desert appears at the beginning of the film where Scott says that he is alone, he then sees Ramona skating and tells him that he’s not alone.

After Scott’s defeat with Gideon which results in his “death”, he wakes up in the Dream Desert where he reunites with Ramona. Ramona shows him Gideon's microchip that he used to control her before Scott receives an extra life which he gained following his defeat against the Katayanagi Twins.

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off[]

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Ramona skates towards Scott in the Dream Desert.

In Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, the Dream Desert appears as the first location in the series in “Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Life” where in which Scott can be seen walking slowly and tirelessly, sweating as he places his hands on the ground after he falls. There and then, he sees Ramona skating towards him with the Moon in the distance, she then tells him to wake up, where immediately afterwards he wakes up on his bedsit.

In “A League of Their Own”, Ramona is seen in the Dream Desert after going to sleep, she is seen standing and hears Scott calling out her name in the distance, implying that he is alive, this triggers Ramona to conduct an investigation into his disappearance.

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Scott, his close friends, and the Evil Exes in the Dream Desert after being teleported there by Future Scott Pilgrim.

The Dream Desert last appears in “The World Vs Scott Pilgrim” when Even Older Scott teleports his younger self and Ramona alongside his close friends, with the exception of Wallace Wells, as well as the Evil Exes, from the debut theatre performance of Scott Pilgrim’s Precious Little Musical, where he vows to destroy all of them after his plan to break Scott and Ramona apart falls flat.

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Super Ramona breaks the Anti-Kiss Field in the Dream Desert by kissing Scott.

After Even Older Ramona arrives in the Dream Desert, she confronts her ex-husband and rejects him after revealing that she still loved him but after ten years, their relationship fell apart. Even Older Ramona fuses with her younger self to form Super Ramona which leads to Even Older Scott being teleported back to the future, and the A-K Field he imposed on Scott and Ramona to be broken, by kissing Scott. Afterwards, Scott and Ramona are teleported from the Dream Desert back into the theatre.


  • The Dream Desert is a metaphor for Scott Pilgrim's loneliness.
  • Wallace Wells is the only main character in the series not to have visited the Dream Desert.
  • In Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, Scott, Ramona, Stephen, Kim, Young Neil, Knives, Julie, Robot-01 and the League of Evil Exes get teleported into the Dream Desert by Even Older Scott Pilgrim where he battles them.
  • In Takes Off, the Moon can be seen with the two holes punched in, a reference to Todd Ingram who punched holes in the Moon for Ramona, and then Envy Adams.


Sex Bob-omb SPTO 23

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