Dundas Square is a public square that is located in Toronto, Canada.
Scott Pilgrim graphic novels[]
Knives Chau can be seen sitting alone weeping on top of one of the billboards in Dundas Square in Volume 3.
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off[]
Dundas Square can be seen in Downtown Toronto in the future, where Future Scott and Scott board a Toronto Streetcar.
- Some of the stores and locations within Dundas Square are parodies of real stores, such as:
- LC (which parodies LG)
- Cap (which parodies GAP)
- L'Opeal (which parodies L'Oréal)
- The Eaten Centre (which parodies the Eaton Centre)
- In Takes Off, the Rogers mobile phone store, with it's signature billboard, and the Tenor shopping centre can be visible as Future Scott and his younger self prepare to board a streetcar on Dundas Square.
- The roundel billboard which Knives sits atop of in the comic also appears in Takes Off in future Toronto, and despite it being removed in 2013 in real life, it still remains during the events of "2 Scott 2 Pilgrim" which is set in 2018.