These are a list of quotes by Future Ramona Flowers.
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off[]
"2 Scott 2 Pilgrim"[]
"The World Vs Scott Pilgrim"[]
Ramona Flowers | |
General information | Biography | Relationships | Appearances | Gallery | Powers and Abilities | Personality and Traits | Quotes |
Items and objects | Ramona Flowers' rollerskates | Large Hammer | Subspace Suitcase (Variations) | Titanium Baseball Bat | Ramona's Tea Cabinet | Ramona's pole | Ramona Flowers' list of suspects |
Events | Graphic novels: Crusade against the League of Evil Exes | Battle at Club Rockit | Skirmish at the Toronto Reference Library | Show at Lee's Palace | Gig at Lee's Palace | Fight with Envy Adams | Ambush at The Happy Avocado | Encounter at the Second Cup | Duel at Ramona Flowers' Apartment | Fight with Robot-01 | Gig at Sneaky Dee's | Fight with Unnamed Third Robot | Showdown at Chaos Theatre Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: Crusade against the League of Evil Exes | Battle at Club Rockit | Skirmish at Casa Loma | Show at Lee's Palace | Skirmish at Lee's Palace | Skirmish at 4 | Showdown at the Ninth Circle | Showdown at Chaos Theatre Takes Off: Battle at Club Rockit (alternate reality) | Scott Pilgrim's Funeral | Duel at No-Account Video | Investigation at Torontowood Studios | Investigation of Julie Powers and Gideon Graves | Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Musical | Battle at the Dream Desert | Crusade against the League of Evil Exes (future Ramona only) |
Running gags | "Bread Makes You Fat" | "Oh, right" |
Family | Mr. and Mrs. Flowers (parents) | Gideon (cat) |
Other selves | Slave Ramona | Future Ramona Flowers | Super Ramona | Ramona's army |
Residences | Toronto (Ramona's Apartment, Future Ramona's Apartment) |
Education | The University of Carolina in the Sky |
Character Quotes in the Scott Pilgrim franchise | |
Main Characters | Scott Pilgrim | Ramona Flowers | Wallace Wells | Kim Pine | Stephen Stills | Knives Chau | Young Neil
Secondary Characters | League of Ramona's Evil Exes (Matthew Patel | Lucas Lee | Todd Ingram | Roxie Richter | Kyle & Ken Kataynagi | Gideon Graves) | Stacey Pilgrim | Julie Powers | Envy Adams | Hollie Hawkes | Lisa Miller | Simon Lee
Scott Pilgrim Takes Off Characters | Future Scott Pilgrim | Future Ramona Flowers | Future Wallace Wells | Super Ramona |