Yeah man, we might even make it to 40 if we're lucky.
— Future Scott, to Scott after he is surprised that they get past being 25 years old.
Finally, somebody appreciates it.
— Future Scott, to Scott after he compliments his beard.
Let me break it down for you. Fighting those exes was the biggest mistake of our entire lives.
— Future Scott, to Scott after he asks about the League of Evil Exes.
Oh we have it all, the future is more futuristic than they originally predicted. You're gonna love it here!
— Future Scott, to Scott after he asks about the future.
Ha, when did Knives Chau get here?
— Future Scott, to Scott after he sees the VR Chamber for the first time.
Technically we're separated. After the honeymoon, a few, er, 12, uh, 13 odd years later.
— Future Scott tells Scott what happened to their relationship with Ramona.
"The World Vs Scott Pilgrim"[]
No. Even older...
— Even Older Scott introduces himself in the Dream Desert.
I'm here because winning didn't change anything! We still end up marrying Ramona INEXPLICABLY! You and all your stupid friends must team up at some point in my new past and figure out how to dissolve the Anti-Kiss Fields. My new memories are kind of fuzzy, but that made me realize all my plans were too complicated.
— Even Older Scott, to Scott in the Dream Desert.
— Even Older Scott after getting sent back by Super Ramona.