Scott Pilgrim Wiki
Scott Pilgrim Wiki

This is a list of quotes by Future Wallace Wells.

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off[]

"2 Scott 2 Pilgrim"[]

Quote1 Hey boys, you want some ice tea?...Two Scott's?! Yikes! Nobody mention Sonic the Hedgehog' Quote2
Future Wallace encounters Scott and his future self in his garage

Quote1 None taken, I can afford it, it's kinda like a 'sugar daddy' situation. Quote2
Future Wallace to Scott after he asks how he can afford such a big house

Quote1 Young Scott, shut up. You're not helping.

I'm regular Scott. He's Old Scott.

Fine. Regular Scott, shut up. Old Scott, why is there a younger you in my kitchen? Quote2

Future Wallace hits back at Scott after he questions his relationship.

Quote1 Remember how you were after Envy Adams dumped you?... It's like that times ten. Quote2
Future Wallace, to Scott after he asks if his future self is alright.

Quote1 I read it. Decent love story. Could have used more Wallace. Quote2
Future Wallace talking about Old Young Neil's book.

Quote1 Don't tell me what to do, but thanks, I do look hot. Quote2
Future Wallace, to Scott and Future Ramona.

Quote1 Hey baby, you miss me? How's work? Quote2
Future Wallace on the phone to his husband.
