Scott Pilgrim Wiki
Scott Pilgrim Wiki

Joel MacMillan is the bass player for Crash and the Boys, the rivals of Sex Bob-omb in Volume 1. He later took over as leader when Crash and the Boys became "The Boys!! And Crash!".


Scott Pilgrim graphic novels[]

Joel is first seen with Crash and the Boys, playing a gig at Club Rockit, where he is seen playing a Gibson Gothic Thunderbird for the band. Scott Pilgrim claimed that he hated Joel because he too, is a bass player. 

When Crash and the Boys is renamed "The Boys!! And Crash!" in Volume 3, Joel apparently replaces Crash as leader of the band and helps Scott in his fight against Todd Ingram. He, along with the other members, also become able to manipulate pure sound through hard work and willpower alone.

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World[]

In Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, Joel is played by Maurie W. Kaufmann. Unlike in the book, Joel and the rest of the members of Crash and the Boys are killed by one of Matthew Patel's fireballs during the latter's fight with Scott Pilgrim.


