Scott Pilgrim Wiki
ScottAtComputer "Are you kidding? Like two songs are finished."

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Scott Pilgrim graphic novels[]

Volume 1[]

Quote1 "Scott, i forbid you for hitting on Ramona! Even if you haven't had a girlfriend in over a year." Quote2
Julie telling Scott not to date Ramona Flowers

Volume 2[]

Volume 3[]

Volume 4[]

Volume 5[]

Quote1 "It's my Mexican Day of the Dead party, you retard." Quote2
Julie at Scott, confused about the party

Volume 6[]

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World[]

Quote1 "They're called jobs, something a ████ball like you wouldn't know anything about, and by the way, i can't ████ believe you asked Ramona after i specifically told you not to ████ do that." Quote2
Julie, mad at Scott for dating Ramona Flowers

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off[]

Quote1 "THAN ADD SOME ICE CUBES TO IT! you stupid ████...." Quote2
Julie, at the iced Americano customer
