Scott Pilgrim Wiki
ScottAtComputer "Are you kidding? Like two songs are finished."

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These are a list of quotes said by Kim Pine.

Scott Pilgrim graphic novels[]

Volume 1[]

Quote1 Scott Pilgrim is dating a high schooler Quote2
Kim's first line in the series.

Quote1 How old are you now, Scott, like 28? Quote2
Kim to Scott Pilgrim

Kim's catchphrase every time Sex Bob-Omb plays a song

Volume 2[]

Quote1 Scott you are the salt of the earth. Oh, I’m sorry, I meant scum of the earth Quote2
Quote1 I’m tragically sorry to have woken you up so tragically early, Sara, and I mean that, I really do. Quote2
Quote1 Ooh, can you put on something really morbid and horrible and Japanese? Quote2
Quote1 Hooray, it’s Scott Pilgrim. Cue applause. Quote2

Volume 3[]

Volume 4[]

Volume 5[]

Quote1 Yea, or I could just go on a murderous rampage! Quote2
Quote1 Try the stairs. Quote2
Quote1 C’mon, he’s Scott Pilgrim. Quote2

Volume 6[]

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World[]

Quote1 Scott, if your life had a face, I would punch it. Quote2
Kim to Scott Pilgrim

Quote1 Did you learn that at Vegan Academy? Quote2
Kim to Todd Ingram

Quote1 We are Sex Bob-omb, and we're here to sell out and make money and stuff Quote2
Kim sarcastically to the crowd at the Chaos Theatre

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off[]

Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life[]

Quote1 We're not. Quote2
Kim, to Knives after she says Sex Bob-omb might be the best band of all time.

Quote1 Scott, your life is so interesting! Quote2
Kim, sarcastically to Scott after telling Young Neil that Knives is "sort of" his girlfriend.

Quote1 We probably do. Quote2
Kim, to Stephen after he believes that Crash and the Boys pulled out because they suck

Ramona Rents a Video[]

Quote1 Bass, he added bass. Quote2
Kim, to Stephen after he mourns Scott and his absence from Sex Bob-omb.

Quote1 It's up to you, that's why they call it play. Quote2
Kim, to Knives talking about playing drums.

Quote1 Draw me a sheep...That's the worst sheep I've ever seen Quote2
A younger Kim to a younger Scott Pilgrim,

Quote1 How good can a memory be if things ended terribly? Quote2
Kim, to Ramona after telling her how she and Scott first met.
