Scott Pilgrim Wiki
Scott Pilgrim Wiki
Capture176 "This is a guest comic, so it's non-canon."

Elements of this article may be declared to be non-canon and not a part of the series' official timeline.

Quote1 Ramona! Are you okay? Got anything besides that hammer? Quote2
Knives Chau

"The World Vs Scott Pilgrim"

Knives Chau's pixel knives were a set of knives that originally belonged to Ramona Flowers, that Knives Chau used against Even Older Scott Pilgrim during the Battle at the Dream Desert.


Scott Pilgrim Takes Off[]

After Ramona was beaten down, Knives Chau, shocked, came to her aid and asked if she was alright. Knives decided to join the fight and asked Ramona if she had anymore weapons besides her Large Hammer, which had been destroyed during the fight. Ramona reached into her Subspace Suitcase and pulled out a set of knives with blue, pixelated blades and gave them to her.

Using the knives, Knives charged towards the elder Scott and kicked him in the jawbone, before jumping off and throwing one of the knives into his left arm. He pulled it out and threw it aside. Knives confronted him, telling him "It's time to Chau down!", before attacking him with her one remaining knife. Unfortunately, he overpowered her and sent her flying away with a single punch (and also punching her hard enough to send the highlights out of her hair).

