Scott Pilgrim Wiki
Scott Pilgrim Wiki
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These are a list of quotes said by Knives Chau.

Scott Pilgrim graphic novels[]

Volume 1[]

Quote1 Mom, I'm seriously not interested at all. Quote2
Knives' first lines in the series.

Quote1 Attack hug! Quote2
Knives hugs Scott.

Volume 2[]

Quote1 Oh my God! He's dating a fatass hipster chick! I hate her stupid guts! He only likes her because she's old. She probably like 25! She's just some fatass white girl, you know?! Quote2
Knives Chau

Volume 3[]

Quote1 I've kissed the lips that kissed you! Quote2
Knives Chau

Volume 4[]

Volume 5[]

Volume 6[]

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World[]

Quote1 "Steal my boyfriend, taste my steel! Quote2
Knives Chau

Quote1 “I’m too cool for you anyway!” Quote2
Knives Chau

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off[]

A League of Their Own[]

Quote1 YOU! What are YOU doing here?! YOU KILLED SCOTT PILGRIM!!! Quote2
Knives Chau

The World Vs Scott Pilgrim[]

Quote1 CHAU DOWN! Quote2
Knives Chau
