Scott Pilgrim Wiki
ScottAtComputer "Are you kidding? Like two songs are finished."

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Scott Pilgrim graphic novels[]

Volume 5[]

Quote1 My goodness it's Ramona Flowers. How lovely, are you here alone? Quote2
The Twins to Ramona at Julie's Day of the Dead Party.

Quote1 Please, forgive me. English isn't our first language you see. Quote2
Ken, to Scott after he calls him "Spot".

Quote1 You look...healthy. Settling in nicely? I don't think we've ever seen your hair this long either. Quote2
The Twins catching up with Ramona at the party.

Quote1 Gideon may have underestimated this one, brother. Quote2
Kyle, to Ken about Scott's fighting abilities.

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off[]

A League of Their Own[]

Quote1 The robot's with us, the first one we ever built, we call him Robot-01, we gendered him too...Male. He's our special little guy. Quote2
The Twins telling the other Evil Exes about Robot-01.
