Scott Pilgrim Wiki

Scott Pilgrim graphic novels[]

Volume 2[]

Quote1 Are you new here? Me too, I'm Lisa. Quote2
Lisa introduces herself to Scott.

Quote1 Do you hate me? Quote2
Lisa, to Scott, after the latter continues to ignore her.

Quote1 Scott, if we had a band, we would be cool, even if we sucked! We would transcend our class status or whatever and become automatically cool. Quote2
Lisa, to Scott, after he asks why they would want to start a band.

Quote1 What? Which one? There's like two zillion girls up there dude. Quote2
Lisa, to Scott, after he talks about Kim whilst she is on stage performing.

Volume 4[]

Quote1 IT'S YOU! Oh my god! What are you doing here?! I can't believe this!! Quote2
Lisa, to Scott, after she sees him for the first time in more than four years.

Quote1 Honestly, I'm only in here to get out of the heat, but I don't think I could stay long, the place is full of slutty teenagers. Quote2
Lisa, to Scott.

Quote1 Oh man, remember how you moved away, and Kim was all -...Hey, have you seen Kim? Is she still at Nispissing? I'm so out of touch. Quote2
Lisa, to Scott.

Scott Pilgrim vs. the Animation[]

Quote1 What are you in for? Quote2
Lisa, to Scott, after they meet each other for the first time.

Quote1 You like her, LIKE her? You barely even know her! Quote2
Lisa, to Scott, after he starts to show feelings for Kim.

Quote1 SCOTT!, they kidnapped Kim! Quote2
Lisa, to Scott, after he misses the bus and the Benvie Boys kidnapping Kim.
