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Scott Pilgrim graphic novels[]

Volume 2[]

" Don't be so sure! "

- Lucas in a movie that Scott watches for training.

" Suzette! ... I thought you were dead! "

- Lucas in a movie that Scott and Ramona watch together.

" S.. Suzette! NO! "

- Lucas in the same movie Ramona and Scott were watching.

" Can I help you guys? "

- Lucas to Wallace and Scott

" No, I'm Lucas Lee. "

- Lucas after being mistaken for Luke Wilson by Scott

" What is this? Who are you "

- Lucas asking Scott what he wants, not yet knowing he's Scott.

" Oh, Okay. "

- Lucas says this as he prepares to beat the living daylights out of Scott.

" Let's take a break, okay? "

- Lucas being a kind soul and sparing Scott's life, offering a break after knocking him out

" I have a cooler with some Gatorade and baby carrots and Ritz "

- Lucas offering Scott snacks

" It's called 'You Just Don't Exist'. I'm co-staring Winifred Hailey. It's like, a romantic comedy. "

- Lucas explaining his new movie to Scott after being asked.

" Hey, man, I don't cast these things! "

- Lucas after Scott points out Winifred is 16.

" Let's change the subject. "

- Lucas after Scott asks if the movie is gonna suck.

" only embarrassing to me, or heart-breaking! "

- Lucas after Scott asks if he has any stories about Ramona

" She left me for the first cocky pretty boy that swaggered by! "

- Lucas after Scott asks for him to elaborate on "heart-breaking"

" There's a lot of things Ramona doesn't mention, Pilgrim.

She likes to act like she's little miss perfect -- but the truth is ... she cheated on me. "

- Lucas when Scott says Ramona never mentioned any cocky pretty boy

" She cheated on me, then dated that ass for like, the rest of highschool! "

- Lucas crying when Scott is shocked that Ramona cheated, giving more context.

" I'm going for an Oscar this year. "

- Lucas when Scott compliments his acting.

" They almost didn't let me join the league. But I knew they had to. I'm an important figure in Ramona's past. "

- Lucas talking about the League of Evil exes

" Don't tell me Patel didn't introduce the league! "

- Lucas when Scott says he doesn't know what the league is.

" God, that's so like him! The league of Ramona's Evil Ex Boyfriends, man. How do you think we're

organized enough to come after you like this? "

- Lucas explaining the League of Evil Exes to Scott

" Okay, look. Give me all your money, and I'll let you live. I'll tell Gideon you beat me up. "

- Lucas attempting to scam Scott so he doesn't have to fight

" Kiss Ramona's sweet ass goodbye, Pilgrim. "

- Lucas after Scott calls him a sellout

" What about them? "

- Lucas when Scott points out the stairs leading down to the Casa Loma parking lot

" Used to be?? I still am! What's your point?! "

- Lucas getting offended when Scott insinuates he doesn't skate anymore

" What, on the stairs? there's like 200 steps and the rails are garbage! It's impossible. "

- Lucas when Scott asks him to show him a trick on the stairs

" Okay.... Okay..... "

- Lucas' last words of the novel whilst trying to steady himself going 57 kph on the rails.

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World[]

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off[]

EPISODE 4: Whatever

" That's my agent, fellas. "

- Lucas getting a call from his agent while he's with his friends

" So, what'd I do right this time? "

- Lucas answering the phone call.

" Let's start with the bad. "

- Lucas when his agent tells him she has bad news and bad news.

" Good thing I've got a get out a jail free card... this smile! [he does a big smile and his teeth shine] "

- Lucas when his agent tells him his behaviour might get him in trouble

" My act is acting. You want goody-two-shoes, buy 'em at a shoe store. "

- Lucas when his agent him he needs to behave.

" Whatever. "

- Lucas after hanging up on his agent

" Who is it? I'm working on my lines. "

- Lucas when Ramona knocks on his trailer door

" Ramona Flowers. "

- Lucas greeting Ramona

" Freshman year, highschool. "

- Lucas recounting the last time him and Ramona saw each other.

" I'm not sure we do. "

- Lucas when Ramona says they need to talk.

" I'm Scott Pilgrim. "

- Lucas after Ramona elaborates and asks to talk about Scott Pilgrim,

Lucas not knowing Scott is real.

" You saying I'm a fake Scott Pilgrim? "

- Lucas when Ramona tries explaining she's talking about the REAL Scott Pilgrim

" I didn't know this was a biopic. "

- Lucas when Ramona explains he's playing as a real person

" I read the title. "

- Lucas when asked if he's read the script

" Well, as not fun as it's been to catch up, I'm needed on set. we're about to shoot my first scene.

Gotta give the people what they want. Crank that Lucas Lee charm to 11. "

- Lucas shooing Ramona away

" Let's make out. "

- Lucas to his on-set girlfriend, who was hiding in the trailer.

" I had a dream about that girl again. "

- Lucas when filming his scene.

" I'm reading the script. I'm busy. Come back later. "

- Lucas later on when Ramona tries coming back in.

" Fine. It's open. "

- Lucas when Ramona presses to let her in

" Did you know I'm in this? "

- Lucas talking to Ramona about the script

" No, there's a Lucas Lee character, and Scott tricks him into grinding to death. I'd never fall for that.

What kind of idiot would write this? "

- Lucas talking about himself as portrayed in the script

" So this movie is what would've happened if Scott won the fight against Matthew Patel? "

- Lucas after Ramona explains the script concept to him

" Scott defeats all your exes, and the two of you live happily ever after.

The ending is unrealistic. The Ramona Flowers I know would be on to the next one. "

- Lucas upset at Ramona

" Feels like yesterday... why are you here? "

- Lucas asking Ramona her intentions

" Who? "

- Lucas when Ramona says someone has kidnapped Scott.

" You think I'd kidnap some Canadian loser and fake his death? "

- Lucas when Ramona accuses him of being the culprit for Scott's kidnapping

" We're not really evil. It's just branding. "

- Lucas explaining the league to Ramona

" You can't judge me. You're on a quest to find a guy who was dating a high schooler.

I'd never do anything that stupid. If I did, my career would be over. "

- Lucas when Ramona judges him for joining the league

" My God! "

- Lucas when the tv claims he's dating an actor who's playing a highschooler, making it sound like he's

dating a highschooler.

" She's 31 in real life! "

- Lucas when Ramona points out the irony of him saying he'd never date a highschooler

" No, something worse. Paparazzi! "

- Lucas when Ramona thinks there's been an earthquake

" Leave her alone! Go! I'll cover you. "

- Lucas telling Ramona to get away from the paparazzi so they don't photograph her

" Whatever. "

- Lucas before fighting the paparazzi

" Why would you help me? "

- Lucas to Ramona, when she comes to help him after he's been knocked down

" Yeah. Until you left me with nothing but a broken heart. And a broken board.

That was the day I decided who I was gonna be. The best skater, the highest paid actor,

the biggest star. That day made me who I am. So I guess, in a way, I have to thank you, Ramona. "

- Lucas when Ramona says she always helped him

" I just got off the phone with my agent. I'm off the movie. And she's dumping me as a client. Well, there goes my career.

It's like I'm a show that's no longer on the air. I'm a ... Damn. I wish there was a word for it. "

- Lucas telling Ramona his career is over

" Nah, they're already testing new actors to play Scott. By tomorrow morning, someone else will be cast in the role

of the guy you like more than me. And I'll be back to being nobody. That was your cue to say something, like,

' You were never nobody, Lucas.' "

- Lucas when Ramona suggests everything will blow over

" Hey, I'll take it. Still think I kidnapped Scott Pilgrim? "

- Lucas to Ramona.

" Good. Because I didn't. That was the night of the Teen Sorcerer 4 premiere in L.A.

I got blitzed and puked on Winifred Hailey. You can find the photos online.

Guess someone else took your stupid boyfriend "

- Lucas telling Ramona where he was the night Scott was kidnapped

" Whatever. "

- Lucas saying his catchphrase in the show
