Scott Pilgrim Wiki
ScottAtComputer "Are you kidding? Like two songs are finished."

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Scott Pilgrim graphic novels[]

Volume 1[]

Quote1 MR PILGRIM! It is I, Matthew Patel. Consider our fight...begun! Quote2
Matthew, as he breaks into Club Rockit.

Quote1 So, Pilgrim, you're as good as they say. Quote2
Matthew comments on Scott's fighting abilities

Quote1 I delievered that letter personally in the middle of a blizzard. YOU'LL PAY!! Quote2
Matthew tells Scott about the letter

Quote1 You'll pay for this Flowers!! Quote2
Matthew responds to Ramona's detailing of their relationship

Quote1 This is impossible, how can this be? Quote2
Matthew moments before his defeat

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World[]

Quote1 Well, well, well, you're quite the opponent, PIL-GRIM. Quote2
Matthew, to Scott after his initial strike

Quote1 My name is MATTHEW PATEL, and I'm Ramona's first evil ex boy-friend Quote2
Quote1 Wait? Didn't you get my email explaining the situation Quote2
Matthew responds to Scott's question about why they are fighting

Quote1 Pirates are in this year! Quote2
Matthew responds to Scott asking him if he's a pirate.

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off[]

"Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life"[]

Quote1 It's said Ramona Flowers has seven evil exes, each one more powerful than the last, all of whom you must defeat in order to date her. Quote2
Matthew tells Scott about the league.

Quote1 TIME TO FIGHT! Quote2
Matthew prepares to battle Scott

Quote1 I won...? I WON! Quote2
Matthew moments after "defeating" Scott

"A League of Their Own"[]

Quote1 No one did! Because it was I who did the inviting. MATTHEW PATEL! Quote2
Matthew reveals himself

Quote1 This party was curated. NO PLUS ONES! Quote2
Matthew moments before punching Robot-01's head off

Quote1 I brought you all here because I've realised there is a fatal flaw in our league. Quote2
Matthew explains the reason why he invited the Evil Exes together
