Scott Pilgrim Wiki
ScottAtComputer "Are you kidding? Like two songs are finished."

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These are a list of quotes said by Neil Nordegraf.

Scott Pilgrim graphic novels[]

Volume 1[]

Quote1 Dod you guys, like, "do it" yet? Quote2
Neil asks about Knives.

Volume 2[]

Volume 3[]

Volume 4[]

Quote1 Yeah what if...? Yeah! Quote2
Neil asking about band practice.

Volume 5[]

Quote1 Chau? That was years ago, Rammy. Quote2
Young Neil to Ramona.

Volume 6[]

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World[]

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off[]

Quote1 Then what is she? Quote2
Young Neil asking Scott what his relationship to Knives is.

Quote1 My sleep paralysis demon? Quote2
Young Neil to Future Ramona Flowers.

Quote1 I should know, I'm a filmmaker. Quote2
Young Neil in Torontowood Studios.

Quote1 Scott and Ramona loved each other very very very very very very much. Quote2
Young Neil's quote in his memoir, as read by Scott.
