Scott Pilgrim Wiki

These are a list of quotes said by Scott Pilgrim.

Scott Pilgrim graphic novels[]

Volume 1[]

Quote1 I'm not playing your little games, kids. Quote2
Scott's first lines in the series.

Quote1 Do you know this one girl with hair like this? Quote2
Scott, to Michael Comeau.

Quote1 Do you want to go out sometime? Do you - I think we should date. Quote2
Scott, to Ramona asking her out on a date,

Quote1 Hey, why are you just standing there? Quote2
Scott, to Ramona as they meet on their first date.

Volume 2[]

Quote1 But're...DOUBLE STANDARD!! These are dirty lies! Dirty ones! Quote2
Scott to Wallace

Quote1 You suck, surprising no one! If bad was a boot, you'd fit it! You're a stupid poo-poo head! I had sexual relations with your mother! Your mother was not that good in bed! You, sir, ae a wretched soul! I am rubber, you are glue! Quote2
(Inthe comics) - Scott to Wallace Wells

Volume 3[]

Quote1 You cocky cock! You'll pay for your crimes against humanity! Quote2
(in the movie and comics) - Scott to Todd Ingram

Volume 4[]

Quote1 You should come to our practise tomorrow, Kim probably wouldn't mind seeing you or whatever! Quote2
Scott, talking with Lisa Miller, reconnecting with her after four years.

Volume 5[]

Scott on his 24th birthday.

Volume 6[]

Quote1 Do you want to have sex? I think we should have sex. CASUAL SEX. Quote2
Scott, to Knives after they meet at Cameron House.

Scott Pilgrim vs. the Animation[]

Quote1 That's not what your mom said last night! Quote2
(In Vs. the Animation) - Scott to Simon Lee

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World[]

Quote1 Bread makes you fat?! Quote2
(In the movie) - Scott to Ramona Flowers

Quote1 I'm in lesbians with you! Quote2
(In the movie) - Scott to Ramona Flowers

Quote1 You once were a Ve-gone, but now you will be gone. Quote2
(In the movie) - Scott to Todd Ingram

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off[]

Scott Pilgrim's Precious Little Life[]

Quote1 You know Sonic the Hedgehog? Quote2
Scott (unsuccessfully) chatting up Ramona at Julie's party.

Quote1 More like a league of bo-ring! Quote2
Scott throws away Matthew Patel's letter.

"Ramona Rents a Video"[]

Quote1 What are you talking about? The sheep is excellent. Quote2
Scott, to Kim in the flashback.

"2 Scott 2 Pilgrim"[]

Quote1 The fact that we can grow a beard! Very impressive! Quote2
Scott, to Older Scott, about his beard.

Quote1 Where they make the video games? Does he get every game for free? Quote2
Scott, to Older Scott, about Future Wallace.

Quote1 Hey, I'm sure you two can work it out. Or you can tell me what you did wrong, and I can go back and do a better job! Quote2
Scott, to Older Scott, about trying to make up with Ramona.

"The World Vs Scott Pilgrim"[]

Quote1 You need to let me live my life! Quote2
Scott, to his even older self.
