Scott Pilgrim Wiki
Scott Pilgrim Wiki

Style is the name of a webcomic by Bryan Lee O'Malley that lasted for a few weeks and was "really bad" (in Bryan's own words)[1]. It features prototype versions of Kim, Lisa and Lauren. The characters would also appear in a series of 3 comic strips on the Oni Press website.


The comic follows three high school girls, Kim Pine, Lisa Miller and Lauren Wood and the short comedic situations they get into.



  • Despite its name, Bryan stated that the comic has nothing to do about fashion.[1]
  • Lisa game pic
    The three protagonists all have surnames that make a reference to a type of wood (Kim Pine, Lisa Miller and Lauren Wood).
  • Bryan mentions that the comic tried to mimic Paul Pope's artstyle, as he was heavily influenced by the artist at the time.[1]
  • In Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game, Lisa has a bright pink hair instead of blonde. This might be a reference to her original design in Style in which she did have pink hair.

