I saw Scott Pilgrim yesterday and my verdict it is EPIC.
It manages to fit all the exes in just over 2 hours. It perfectly works.
My Favourite Parts:
- Nega Scotts cameo
- The Vegan Police
- The "Voice"
- The use of scenes from the Comic to explain Exes backstories
- Bass Battle
- "New New"
- Kim's sarcasm
- "It took me 2 hours to get all the Exes contact information" & "You made me swallow my gum, that will be in my digestive track for SEVEN YEARS!"
- Wallace and Other Scott and Jimmy in bed together
- The Final 2 battles
- Julie's Blocked swearing
- The Power of Love and Self-Respect
- Ninja Ninja Revolution
- Comeau' in-joke breaking the fourth wall
- Ramona's fights against Roxy and Knives
- Matthew Patel's song (you should take that seriously)
- Universal 8-Bit Logo and Theme
- The bit after the credits where Scott's sprite from the Game beats up "The End" Logo.
Although the way they defeated Roxy deemed a bit outlandish
But overall 5 Stars
What was you're favourite part?