Scott Pilgrim Wiki

RondariusR RondariusR 3 February 2013

My ideas for evil exes dlc and wallace dlc set

Ok this would be like a movielist for these characters

if they were used in story the map would be changed and you would have to fight the good guys


square:left and right jabs that he normally does

triangle:powered punch he does(not the power blast)

L1:Demon hipster chicks wave

R1:Powered blast he does

Taunt:His Finger Point


square:his normal combo he does

tringle:uppercut twitter check

L1:A kinky ramona who smashes the first enemy in sight

R1:Enable skateboard ride slowly decreasing mp

Taunt:Quickly puts cigar in mouth and tosses out


Tood would be more of a 1 on 1 person so he wouldnt have an attack that hit more than 1

square:3 punches resulting in knockback

triangle:head electrifier

L1: Guitar smash causing lightning to drop around him…

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