Scott Pilgrim Wiki
Scott Pilgrim Wiki

The Vegan Academy is an educational institution that was attended by Todd Ingram. It is only ever mentioned in the Scott Pilgrim franchise. The academy teaches students on how to use vegan powers and master their techniques.


Scott Pilgrim graphic novels[]

The Vegan Academy is only ever referred to as the "faraway school" in Volume 3, however "V-A" can be seen during a flashback about Todd and Envy's relationship. In the flashback, it showed Todd leaving for the academy "to learn the ancient secrets of his people, the Vegans".

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World[]

The Vegan Academy is mentioned in Scott Pilgrim vs. the World by Todd. Stephen Stills later asks Todd how being vegan gives him superhuman abilities. Todd explains that because humans only use 10% of their brains, the other 90% is filled with "curds and whey". Kim Pine sarcastically hits back by saying "Did you learn that at Vegan Academy?"

Known students[]


